A proposal to trial public land hunting in WA has been shot down by the Environment Minister in that state (image: West Australian).

Snap Shots: WA hunting proposal shot down

WA public land hunting proposal shot down

In terrible news for hunters in West Australia, a proposal by the Shooters and Fishers Party to trial public land hunting in that state has not been supported by Environment Minister Albert Jacob. According to this report in the West Australian, Jacob cited safety concerns and a lack of effectiveness of recreational hunters in controlling pest species. Nevermind that similar systems have been operating perfectly well in much more populous states.

Dead kangaroo photo “staged”

Anti-hunting activists are again in the firing line for making things up, this time allegedly tampering with a road-killed kangaroo in the ACT to make it look like it had been shot, according to this article in the Sydney Morning Herald. Government sources say the ‘roo had been intentionally manipulated and the photograph staged, before the photos were circulated on-line. An Animal Lberation ACT spokeswoman has denied the allegations.

Canned lion hunting already illegal

From the ABC’s Lateline program comes this report about canned lion hunting. Amongst other things it points out that – despite what Environment Minister Greg Hunt thinks – canned hunting of lions in South Africa is already illegal. Ethical hunting, on the other hand, is one of the most effective wildlife management strategies. 

Banning lion hunting will hurt conservation

Along similar lines, we have this piece by Liberal Democrats Senator for NSW, David Leyonhjelm, published in The Age, in which he points out that Greg Hunt’s decision to ban the importation of lion trophies into Australia will actually hinder, not help, conservation efforts. Good to see some sensible opinion on this issue getting into the mainstream media.

Why we don’t eat kangagroo 

Finally, back home in Australia, we have this interesting piece in the Newcastle Herald about why kanagaroo isn’t a regular meal on Australian dinner plates.  When you consider that kangaroo is one of the most ethical meats available in Australia, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that we’re shooting them for pet food or leaving them to rot, just to make way for sheep and cattle.




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